Thursday, January 23, 2014

23 mobile things

Hi. I would like to learn about current and new technologies and I am also trying to catch up on past ones so I know what's out there and am conversant with customers and have options for sharing information and reaching customers and potential customers and library partners. This is THING 1.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Hi. I did some of the activities and now 7 years later I am coming back to finish. Definitely not an early adopter, but not dead yet so I will keep on trying and now that I am an extra person in a library while my library is being remodeled I have some time to explore and I will take advantage of this. Should have made the time 7 years ago, but c'est la vie and all of that. I think I have picked up some 2.0 along the way but I will go back and look at all of this to learn, reflect, and see what I can use when and where.