Blog about your challenges with OneClickDigital. What would you change about OneClickDigital? What did you like? Would you use it-why or why not?
Hi. I do like One Click Digital overall and I think it meets a demand for e-audio books which is great. I have downloaded the app to our Family Ipad and since our Ipad is currently in Russia along with my husband and son I downloaded the Media Manager to my home computer so that I could listen to an e-book while putting away clothes (because if I turn on the tv I will never get anything done, sad, but very, very true).
I haven't tried a bookmark or the timer yet so I will have to try that.
Things that have been frustrating..I recall that at one point I had trouble finding where to go to make my downloaded book play on my ipad once I opened the app. I will have to test this again once the family and Ipad are back. It is easier on my home computer because I just open the media manager.
I was just looking at the oneclick digital site on the work computer and I think the advanced search is interesting. It's nice you can search by narrator. I found a list of books reach by Barbara Rosenblatt who is one of the narrators who I would listen to read the phone book because I really like her voice and the different voices she can do. But if I wanted to search by genre I think that is a spottier search because one the books seem to be assigned genres strangely. I did a search on juvenile nonfiction and it came across a title about ancient Roman history and I think the genre listed is fiction and mystery and there is another book "A Case of Exploding Mangoes" where the genre is listed as Computers/ the description..don't think that this is what the book is Really about...
But I have had fun listening to books both on the Ipad and home computer. My son and I found a Russian language learning book that we listened to for a while.
And I just finished listening to a Joanna Fluke mystery and it was interesting because there are recipes at the end and I realized that the narrator was going to read all the recipes as part of the e audio book and I guess that is as it should be since you should get the experience of the whole book, but I can't say I've listened to a recipe before.
I saw a kids book where it talked about it having the appeal of the Origami Yoda books because of the diary entries and quirky doodles or something of that nature and I am curious to try this book at some point, because how do you express quirky doodles in an audio format..I just don't know.
Two things: One is that when you look at the books you check out it says that if you want to renew, just click the renew button next to the title and I think that must be an option we don't allow in SPPL, right? 'Cause I don't see the option to renew.
The other thing is that the Advanced Search as odd as it might be at times shows me that there are many more titles than is apparent from just looking at the featured titles. Also if you go in the list of checked out books there is a tab for recommend a title where you can recommend a e audio book you think the library should have so that's cool.