Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Activity 10: Transparent Language

 Well, I have to say I am impressed. I last used this when it was Byki and it seemed okay..lots of online flash cards that you could flip over and practice learning different words, phrases, etc. But this seems better, practicing the alphabet, learning each letter and then being tested until you have it down and the various parts where you listen and then practice and you can test your speech (I have to take some of this for granted because I am working at the desk so anything with sound or that requires me to speak I can't really do right now, but it looks good.)


I like the vocabulary section as it looks like there is quite a bit you can learn there and I also like that grammar is included too. Something I liked from Byki that they've kept is the turtle icon which slows things down which I think can be important at first. I like the quizzes and the practice. 
I think it is good there are ways to connect with others learning the language and that there is a word of the day and even study materials and online help and ways to use this on mobile devices. In fact this reminds me that I have this icon on our ipad so I think I will show this to my son who is working very hard on learning as much Russian as he can. Coolski! (That's a vocabulary word you won't get in Transparent Language-mostly 'cause it doesn't exist..but it should!) 

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